Friday 26 March 2010

(500) Films of Empire - Day 189

388 - The English Patient - 2 stars
Ralph Fiennes plays Voldermort, sorry I mean a burn victim who is referred to as the English Patient. Through a series of flashbacks we piece together who he is and how he ended up in his condition.
Turns out that amongst other things he was accused of being a spy and had an affair with a colleague's wife.
I honestly tried to come to the film with an open mind, since this was a film which I had never had a huge desire to see, mainly due to its reputation as one of those dull British dramas that was popular with Awards shows but not the general movie-going public.
In the end, pre-conceptions seemed to win out as I did not enjoy this movie. Mainly due to the fact that Fiennes's central character turns out to be rather unlikeable, and in a couple of scenes, incredibly creepy as well (even more so than his character in Red Dragon), thus negating any emotional connection I could have with the story, much like the other characters in the film who try and find closure and redemption in their own lives by helping the English Patient, but to no avail.

Days remaining - 176 Films remaining - 227

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